Depending on how you have come across this blog, you may or not have noticed I have just updated my website. I had built my old site using Indexhibit, starting with the original and then a year or so ago I upgraded to version 2.0.
While I was kind of happy with its appearance, a few things really bugged me. The lack of dynamic resizing and overall quite a dated look had me searching for alternatives. I wanted a clean, simple and elegant design that allowed full screen viewing along with being able to be seen across all platforms.
I was pretty close to going with a Photoshelter site, but in the end I felt the cost vs what I needed from it weren't right for me and I settled on a Squarespace site instead.
As of now, the new design is up and running. I have changed things around a little too. I've been working on a lot more architectural photography recently and have begun to flow some of this work onto the new site.
Over the next few weeks and months, more images and a couple of new projects will be added but if you come across any bugs please let me know!
Nearly forgot, here is the link!